Friday 2 January 2015

A Face Mask For Skin That is Oily And Dry!

I know how frustrating it can be having skin that is both oily and dry. Your forehead, nose and chin seem to glisten only ten minutes after cleansing, and your cheeks may be as dry as the Sahara even after applying a full bottle of moisturiser to it (something I don't recommend) 

If this type of skin sounds like you keep reading!  I'm going to tell you my little secret Face mask I use once a week to help tame this skin type down just a bit. It's as simple as tying your shoelaces.


4 large Strawberries 
Ground Oatmeal (uncooked and unflavoured)


Mash the strawberries with the ground oatmeal until it makes a thick paste (amount of oatmeal will depend on the size of the strawberries so just start with a small amount then build it up until you've found your necessary amount) Apply to face and neck and leave on for 10-15 minutes, then rinse with warm water.

After using this face mask once a week for a few weeks you will start to see results!

Until next time xox 


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