Thursday 11 September 2014

PureTAN review.

Fake Tans and myself definitely have a Love-Hate relationship. We've been at it for years. Sometimes they can please me, other times they make me want to exfoliate my whole top layer of skin off and start again. I've experienced many orange, streaky and overly potent smelling tans. But still, I keep going back to them hoping maybe one day we'll be able to connect properly and make things work. 

Today is that day my dear readers! Today I am happy to announce that Fake Tans and Myself are finally in a committed, serious and trusting relationship. Their name is PureTAN. 

I can honestly say this is the Best tan I have ever experienced in my life. It does not streak, come out orange and better yet it does not leave you with that disgusting overly strong fake tan smell EVERY other tan on the market leaves you with. To be honest the smell of fake tan is what puts me off most. All day the only thing you can smell is that, and the people you walk past/stand near can smell it too. Which is a complete giveaway that the colour of your body is in fact from a bottle. PureTAN does not give you this embarrassment though.

I have used this tan for over two months now and every time I've used it I've had 100% positive (amazing) results. Every time. What other tan can you say that about? Not many I'm sure. I would recommend using this tan with the mitt (or your own) that PureTAN sell as it evenly distributes the product onto your skin- therefore not making it streak.

Another great thing about this tan is that it only takes 1 hour for it to process for a light tan, 2 hours for a medium and 3 hours for a dark. As soon as you apply the product to your body you can instantly see the difference it gives.

In my review I am including photos so you can see for yourself how this tan works and the end result it gives. So lets get straight into it!

As you can see I am naturally very pale, so when it becomes the warmer months I do tend to reach for my bottle of brown to not stand out as much. I also do prefer having some colour to my skin as I feel I look healthier and also when I am a tone or so darker I feel my body looks more defined.

I usually begin applying tan from my legs then work my way up. Here you can see what the fake tan looks like on my leg as soon as I've applied it vs what my leg looks like with no tan on at all.

After applying the tan to my whole body you can instantly tell I am wearing fake tan, but that's okay because I really do not plan on going out whilst the tan is developing. Nor should you. It's not what I look like during the process time that worries me anyway- it's all about the final product. 

I only left this tan on for 2 hours, not the whole 3, as because I'm naturally pale (and everyone knows it) I didn't want to do something so extreme and make people know it was fake. Once people get use to me being this tone I can then extend my developing time to the 3 as if I've naturally just become darker with time. It's how you fake it properly. You should never really fake tan so extreme on the first go if you want a 'natural' look. It's all about making it look natural, so naturally it takes a bit of time. After washing all the product off this is what I looked like. 

As you can see it is very natural looking and nothing too dramatic to what I originally was. It isn't orange and hasn't streaked at all. If i keep applying this every 2-3 days it will gradually become darker, which is exactly what I want. You can also understand now with what I meant before in saying that being tanned gives me more definition. 

After washing the tan off I used another PureTAN product which is their coconut oil, and slathered that all over my body to give moisture to it so the tan will hopefully last longer

Even after the next day and another shower I felt the tan still lasted as great as the first day. 
I've also included photos of me outside in natural light so you can get an idea what it looks like in the real world.

the next day

I happily give this product review a 10/10. There is absolutely nothing to fault with this tan. I completely Love it and I am going to keep on using it until it decides it no longer loves me (which I hope never happens)

You can buy this product off their website or from your local Priceline.

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