Monday 22 September 2014

Summer Body Guide Part 1

So the reality has just hit you that Summer is literally about to knock on our doors and you feel you may not be 100% ready for its arrival. The Winter weight is still there and you're now worrying that you may not feel as comfortable as you would like in your Summer attire. You would much rather have a toned stomach and a bum thats doesn't bounce as much as your boobs do when you run. Images of a beached whale come to mind when someone mentions sun bathing in public.

Now is the time to stop worrying! I am going to share with you my exercises I do which help me to stay and be more comfortable in my own skin. I'm not going to lie, it is going to be a lot of hard work And dedication- but if a Summer body is really what you're after: you need to accept that you cannot receive the desired results you want without either of these two things. There is no pill you can pop or fruit you can eat which will magically transform you into a toned babe, despite what Facebook and the internet will try to tell you.

 When I first started doing these exercises I literally began seeing results within a week- my bum being the first place. I have aways been self conscious about my bum, so when I saw the results there to begin with it pushed me more into dedicating myself completely into this routine. You may see results sooner than I did, or even a bit later, but trust me you WILL see results. It's a 30 day cycle. In this post I am only going to tell you the first 15 days so it's not overly confronting or scary then later I will be posting the final 15 days. 

If you are unaware what any of the exercises are, I have links to Youtube videos which show you exactly how to perform them correctly down the bottom. When I do these exercises I do split them up a bit, I usually do 20 sets of each then go on to the next exercise after a 30 second rest period. If you would prefer to do all the sets together at the same time, go for it, just make sure you do take time to rest and don't overdo it.

 So lets get in to this Summer Body Guide!

15 Sit-ups 
5 Crunches
5 Leg Raise
3 Pushups 
30 Squats
25 Secs Plank

20 Sit-ups
8 Crunches
8 Leg Raise
4 Pushups
50 Squats
12 Secs Plank

25 Sit-ups
10 Crunches
10 Leg Raise
5 Pushups
75 Squats
15 Secs Plank

60 Squats

30 Sit-ups
12 Crunches
12 Leg Raise
5 Pushups
20 Secs Plank

30 Sit-ups
12 Crunches
12 Leg Raise
6 Pushups
60 Squats
25 Secs Plank

40 Sit-ups
20 Crunches
20 Leg Raise
7 Pushups
90 Squats
30 Second Plank

50 Squats

45 Sit-ups
30 Crunches
30 Leg Raise
7 Pushups
45 Squats
35 Secs Plank

5O Sit-ups
50 Crunches
30 Leg Raise
8 Push Ups
38 Secs Plank

55 Sit-ups
65 Crunches
33 Leg Raise
9 Pushups
120 Squats
42 Secs Plank

40 Squats

60 Sit-ups
75 Crunches
40 Leg Raise
9 Pushups
75 Squats
50 Secs Plank

65 Sit-ups
85 Crunches
42 Leg Raise
11 Pushups
50 Squats
55 Secs Plank

70 Sit-ups
90 Crunches
42 Leg Raise
12 Pushups
60 Secs Plank

By now if you've completed all these days you will definitely be able to see and feel a difference! A huge congratulations to making it this far already. If you're keen to continue let me know and I will upload the rest of this Guide for you!

Video Links!


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